Newborn Treasures Photo Studio | Gillingham Medway Kent

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How to get dad on board for a maternity photo session

One of the toughest challenges when it comes to professional photoshoots is to convince your loved ones to take part in them with the same enthusiasm and joy as yourself. A maternity photo session can be even more challenging in this aspect, but following a few tips can ease this process and can help you out in convincing even the most stubborn dad to join in the photoshoot. 

Here are 5 tips to get your partner on board for a maternity photo session.

Plan it out together

As in everything that happens to you and your partner, you need to work on it together. Do not make the maternity photo session just about you, planning it out all by yourself and deciding alone on every detail of this big day. Involve your partner from the beginning in this process, from choosing the right photographer to booking the date, even if he is not yet sure that he wants to take part in this experience. Working together will make both of you feel equally part of the photo session and will transform the entire event into a celebration of your bond. 

Let the personality shine through 

It is so easy before a big event in our life to fall into the trap of imposing our expectations and desires on the other person. This way, we are not just making things more complicated for ourselves, but we risk losing the other person's willingness to be a part of our plans. Therefore, do not forget to let your partner's personality shine through the maternity photo session too. Discuss together how he would like the photoshoot to look like and how both of you could meet each other's expectations on the way. 

Go for neutrals

Now that you made a few small steps in convincing your partner to be a part of the maternity photo session, we can talk about the outfits. The best way to not scare away anyone from a photoshoot is to go for neutral colors in which everyone feels comfortable enough to take on this new challenge. This way, you will make sure also that the final pictures will have stunning color aesthetics. 

Choose a fun location

One of the easiest ways to convince your partner to take part in a maternity photo session is to move the focus from the session to a fun location instead. What about a maternity photo session at the seaside or your favorite natural park? For sure, it will be an experience he will not want to miss. 

Insert a twist

Maternity photo sessions do not have to be about exquisite, elegant outfits and gorgeous poses at sunset. How about inserting a twist into the entire event that will make you and your partner have the best time ever? For example, you can choose a fun theme for the photoshoot or play roles. Let your creativity take control. This way, the maternity photo session will be all about having a great time together - which is quite a good argument for convincing your partner to be a part of it.